
Learning Architecture

Architects are professionals trained in the art and science of building design who develop the concepts for structures and turn these concepts into reality. Similarly, the Learning architects are the ones who design the concepts, create structures regarding the learning journey of all employees within the Organisation. In short, they give answer to the question – who should learn what, why and how?

So whether you are a small, medium or large size Organisation and whether you have a dedicated learning team or not, Exponentia Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd company is for you. We can help you in creating the learning architecture for your Organisation. Learning is a skill and practice that anyone can accomplish with diligence. Exponentia can partner with you to create the paths for continuous learning and thus help your Organisation in developing talent.

Classroom Training

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

– Benjamin Franklin

We learn through various means and methods. Classroom training forms is one of the important methods of learning. It allows the learner to understand, ideate & debate the concepts through various activities and thus deepen the learning. The social interaction in the classroom also helps the learning to open up to the new perspective, practice and develop new skills.

Exponentia learning offers unique, fun filled, content rich and result focussed methods of conducting classroom session that allows learner an immersive experience. The learner is made to experience the concepts and get the opportunity to practice and improve skills.

Virtual learning

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”

Albert Einstein

In today’s complex and ambiguous world, learning and upskilling becomes one of the important survival skills. While we know this, one of the important constraints we experience is that of time. This is where Virtual Learning fills the gap. It allows the person to learn irrespective of place and device. Today technology has enabled learners to access the content, attend webinars, virtual interactive sessions and much more from their place using their personal devices. They are building their capabilities through this route. One challenge the learner faces is the sustained commitment to completing the online programs amidst all her other priorities. This is where Exponentia learning can help the learners by creating a support structure and nudging the participants to complete the undertaken tasks.
Exponentia can partner with the Organisation and offer the learning platform as well as learning content and delivery in the virtual format.


Coaching is unlocking a persons potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them – John Whitmore

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines Coaching as ‘Partnering a client in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential’

Now come to think of it, Managers and Leaders are constantly required to keep maximising their personal & professional potential. They are also expected to create an environment that facilitates personal & professional growth for their teams. This is where it becomes imperative for Managers and Leaders to go through the coaching process themselves and also learn the art and science of coaching Exponentia Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd helps Managers and leaders in the this process.