
Onboarding program – Should your Organisation invest in it?

When we speak with CHROs, L&D Heads and Talent Management Heads, one of the questions we seek answers to is – How important is onboarding program to them and their Organisation? While the answers vary but we are seeing a pattern. Increasing number of leaders, irrespective of industry and company size are saying that they

Are you building a Learning Organisation? Does it matter?

We were recently conducting a workshop for managers of a mid size private Organisation. The session dealt with multiple areas with reference to managerial capabilities. One of the points that got managers into a debate was : Why should I (the manager) bother about creating a learning organisation? Is it not the responsibility of ‘a

How is your Organisation doing on this Meta Skill ?

   A meta-skill is a high-order skill that allows you to engage with functional expertise more effectively. It’s a catalyst for learning and building new skills faster. So which Meta skill are we talking about? And why? The Meta skill we are talking about is Learning Agility. Learning agility is a person’s ability to quickly

Are you spending enough on Capability Building of your People?

A survey done by Skillsoft and ETHR World indicate that40% of the Organisations surveyed saw an increase in their L&D budget over the previous year. Is your Organisations one of them? Why should you bother increasing the capability building budget for your Organisation? Organisations are increasingly realising that skill is the new currency. Hence, capability

Diversity & Inclusion : Why embracing It can catapult your Organisation

Diversity means being composed of differing elements. In a workplace, diversity means that the workforce is made up of employees with different races, genders, career backgrounds, skills, etc. Inclusion is the practice of providing everyone with equal access to opportunities and resources. Inclusion efforts in the workplace help to give traditionally marginalized groups, like those

Wellness in the new normal for Organisations

World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as: A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Wellness is defined as: The complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of

Why OD interventions are necessary in Hybrid ways of working

The workplace definition today has undergone massive change. Many Organisations enhanced their policies (HR, IT) and now allow hybrid ways of working. Our observations during training programs with leaders and other employees suggest that just augmenting policies is not enough. Something needs to be done beyond the changes in the policies. First of all, employees

Top Priority for Organisations today

Technology research and consulting company Gartner recently did a survey with HR leaders across all major industries to understand their priorities. Building Critical Skills and Competencies tops the list. Skills is the new currency and Organisations today are increasingly thinking of translating knowledge of the employees into skills to improve efficiency, productivity and profitability. Gartner

The great resignation phenomenon and how to reverse it?

What is Great resignation? The great “talent migration” has seen a surge in the number of employees either quitting or planning on leaving their employers when job opportunities are at their peak.  “The Great Resignation,” as it is called has been a little-known but surprising fallout of the current pandemic. Many employees are either quitting